No Shock Repotting
Here’s a nifty trick to keep from shocking your transplants.
Let’s start by inserting your transplant, original container and all, into the new pot it will call home.
Now tuck the dirt around the old pot, in between the new pot and the transplants pot. Pack the new dirt down nice and firm.
Jiggle the transplant pot until it releases from the packed dirt in the new pot. You should have a nice cavity of dirt exactly the size and shape of your transplant.
At the soil level of the transplant slide your fingers in with your palm facing the dirt. Gently flip your transplant upside down and cradle it in your hand.
Coax the pot off the bottom of the plant and gently place it into the cavity you created in your new pot.
Press the seam in the dirt together to fill the space between the transplant dirt and the new pots’ dirt.
Water and place in an indirect, well-lit area.
No wilting. Even baby plants do well with this technique.
Happy Planting!